Dante Kirkman, Coach Eddie Croft, Steve Johnson, & Kristian Vasquez
Jerrel Brown Marketing Media
B Street Boxing's Amateur STARS Dante Kirkman & Steve Johnson
B Street has the largest youth program on the Peninsula!
Whether your child is looking for an after school fitness program or wants to train and compete at an amateur level, we have classes every day of the week and multiple, dedicated trainers to make sure your child meets his/her goals.
B Street offers reduced prices for our youth boxing classes and we offer additional discounts and free membership. If you have questions, ask Eddie. If you want to support the youth program, donate here.
Our amateur competitors dominate in the ring and surpass expectations outside of the ring. Education comes first and the discipline pays off in the ring. Our boxers will tell you that the skills they learn from boxing, including time management, self-respect and commitment follow them out of the gym and into their homes, schools and the community.
The donations that we receive support competition expenses, travel expenses, equipment, staff support, medical examinations, licensing and more.

To compete as an amateur boxer you need a USA Boxing Passbook. The passbook is in essence an amateur boxing license.
In order to get a passbook go to usaboxing.org, and follow the registration process, print out your receipt.
Next, you will need to get a physical from a doctor (MD only). Ask Eddie for the form that you will need to bring to the doctor.
Mail the USA Boxing registration receipt, the physical examination form, completed by the doctor, a copy of your birth certificate, and two passport sized photos of your face to: CN Lopez, 2455 Ocala Ave, San Jose, CA 95122
You will receive you passbook in 10 to 14 days. You are eligible for competition. Of course, being eligible does not necessarily mean you are ready. This is only the starting point of your journey.